Wednesday 10-12-2011
A) 10 A.M. HIIT Class
* LUNCH @ 11 A.M.
B) 12:30 P.M. Warm Up: (3) Sets (6) Pull-Ups + (6) Squat Jumps
C) 6 Super Sets
1) Weighted Med Ball between the feet Chin-ups with 2 sec pause @ Top x 8 reps
2) Single Leg "Pistol" Squat on 6" Step x 6 ea. leg
3) Recovery x 90 sec's
D) 6 More Super Sets
1) Weighted Med Ball between the feet Neutral Grip Chin-Ups x 10 reps
2) Partner "Decline" Push-Up with hands on 6" Step x 6 reps
3) Recovery x 90 sec's
E) Partner Distance Carry (Quick) x 1/3 mile
F) 5 Super Sets for Arms
1) Low Bar (12") Bodyweight Triceps Extensions x 10 reps
2) Dumbbell Supinated Curls x 12 reps
3) Recovery x 90 sec's
* LUNCH @ 11 A.M.
B) 12:30 P.M. Warm Up: (3) Sets (6) Pull-Ups + (6) Squat Jumps
C) 6 Super Sets
1) Weighted Med Ball between the feet Chin-ups with 2 sec pause @ Top x 8 reps
2) Single Leg "Pistol" Squat on 6" Step x 6 ea. leg
3) Recovery x 90 sec's
D) 6 More Super Sets
1) Weighted Med Ball between the feet Neutral Grip Chin-Ups x 10 reps
2) Partner "Decline" Push-Up with hands on 6" Step x 6 reps
3) Recovery x 90 sec's
E) Partner Distance Carry (Quick) x 1/3 mile
F) 5 Super Sets for Arms
1) Low Bar (12") Bodyweight Triceps Extensions x 10 reps
2) Dumbbell Supinated Curls x 12 reps
3) Recovery x 90 sec's