M.I.T Explosive Cycle Day #4
A) 5 Consecutive Triple Sets (all Body Weight)
1) Pull-Ups x 10 reps
2) Push-Ups x 10 reps
3) Squats x 10 reps
B) 6 Explosive Triple Sets
1) Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats x 6 each leg
2) Barbell Power Curls x 6 reps
3) Barbell Flat Bench Close-Grip Presses x 12 reps
4) Recovery x 60 sec's
C) 3 Explosive Core Super Sets
1) Medicine Ball Overhead Slam x 8 reps
2) Medicine Ball Torso Twists with Alternating Dynamic Knee Raises x 6 each leg
3) Recovery x 60 sec's
D) 3 More Explosive Core Super Sets
1) Stability Ball Explosive Sit-Up with Med Ball Wall Throw and Rebound x 8 reps
2) Stability Ball Explosive Supine Bicycles x 6 each leg
3) Recovery x 60 sec's
E) 5 Sprint Intervals
1) Sprint x 100 yd's
2) Walk Back to Starting Line
1) Pull-Ups x 10 reps
2) Push-Ups x 10 reps
3) Squats x 10 reps
B) 6 Explosive Triple Sets
1) Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats x 6 each leg
2) Barbell Power Curls x 6 reps
3) Barbell Flat Bench Close-Grip Presses x 12 reps
4) Recovery x 60 sec's
C) 3 Explosive Core Super Sets
1) Medicine Ball Overhead Slam x 8 reps
2) Medicine Ball Torso Twists with Alternating Dynamic Knee Raises x 6 each leg
3) Recovery x 60 sec's
D) 3 More Explosive Core Super Sets
1) Stability Ball Explosive Sit-Up with Med Ball Wall Throw and Rebound x 8 reps
2) Stability Ball Explosive Supine Bicycles x 6 each leg
3) Recovery x 60 sec's
E) 5 Sprint Intervals
1) Sprint x 100 yd's
2) Walk Back to Starting Line