Monday 8-15-2011
A) Warm Up: Dynamic Stretching x 10 minds
B) 5 Consecutive Super Sets
1) Jump Rope x 60 sec's
2) Iso-Ballistic Push-Ups x 60 sec's
* Plyo Clap Push-Up + 10 Sec pause at half rep
- 2 Minute Recovery
C) 5 Consecutive Super Sets
1) Jump Rope x 60 sec's
2) Iso-Ballistic Squat Jumps x 60 sec's
* Squat Jump + 10 sec pause with thighs parallel to floor
- 2 Minute Recovery
D) 3 Partner Core Super Sets
1) 4 Point Stance (High Plank Sprawl with Hips Raised) x partner's reps
2) Mounted Sit-Ups / Crunches
* Bottom Partner in 4pt and Top Partner seated on top (on tailbone NOT lower lumbar) facing legs. Lock Legs inside bottom partner's and lean back, then sit-up / crunch forward. Very Difficult!
E) 3 Partner Kneeling Hamstring Curls (Towel Under Knees)
1) Controlled Kneeling Hamstring curls x 6 reps
2) Kneeling Hold of Partner's Ankles x partner's reps
F) 3 Partner Weighted Planks
1) High Plank with Partner Seated on Upper Back x 60 sec's
2) Recovery / Weight x 60 sec's
B) 5 Consecutive Super Sets
1) Jump Rope x 60 sec's
2) Iso-Ballistic Push-Ups x 60 sec's
* Plyo Clap Push-Up + 10 Sec pause at half rep
- 2 Minute Recovery
C) 5 Consecutive Super Sets
1) Jump Rope x 60 sec's
2) Iso-Ballistic Squat Jumps x 60 sec's
* Squat Jump + 10 sec pause with thighs parallel to floor
- 2 Minute Recovery
D) 3 Partner Core Super Sets
1) 4 Point Stance (High Plank Sprawl with Hips Raised) x partner's reps
2) Mounted Sit-Ups / Crunches
* Bottom Partner in 4pt and Top Partner seated on top (on tailbone NOT lower lumbar) facing legs. Lock Legs inside bottom partner's and lean back, then sit-up / crunch forward. Very Difficult!
E) 3 Partner Kneeling Hamstring Curls (Towel Under Knees)
1) Controlled Kneeling Hamstring curls x 6 reps
2) Kneeling Hold of Partner's Ankles x partner's reps
F) 3 Partner Weighted Planks
1) High Plank with Partner Seated on Upper Back x 60 sec's
2) Recovery / Weight x 60 sec's